Welcome to the Elm Park Bridge Club
- Playing Bridge for over 60 years with 300+ active members
- Any member of Elm Park is automatically a member of the Bridge Club
- 3 weekly games – Wednesday at 7.30pm and 2pm, Friday at 7.30pm
- Regular Bridge classes offered
To find information on:
- Recent and past results
- Upcoming competitions
- BBO documents
- Master points
- Etiquette
- Guests/Visitors
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For any information or query on the Bridge Club, contact any of the following Committee members by emailing [email protected].
Committee members phone numbers are also listed in the Members Directory located in the Members only area of this website.
Bridge Committee 2023/24
- Clare Bergin (President)
- Olwyn Ryan (Vice-President)
- Joe O'Connor (Immediate Past President)
- Robert Browne (Hon. Secretary)
- David Browne (Competitions Secretary)
- Mary Sharp (Competitions Officer)
- Helen Scully (Treasurer)
- Miriam Ryan (Assistant Treasurer)
- Beatrice Doran (Education Officer)
- Anne Marie Taylor (Membership Officer)
Want to find a Bridge partner?
Register with Phil Morrin or contact a Committee member